Conservative Confusion & The Race For 2016

Carson-Cruz experience post
LEFT: Dr. Ben Carson RIGHT: Sen. Ted Cruz (TX)

As we gear up for the 2016 presidential race, conservatives both grassroots and activists and national figures, have begun campaigning in a sense, for who they think is the best candidate for the job.  And some of the choices have made me stop and ponder whether some people are being a little hypocritical when it comes to their chosen candidate and how they have acted in the past.

The issue that I’m getting at is one of experience, namely experience in politics and with certain important policies and issues.  I recall back in 2008 when it was Obama VS. McCain, conservatives went after Obama for his severe lack of experience, and that he was not at all prepared to become the leader of the free world.  Even touting the experience of McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin.

Now fast forward six years, and people are choosing candidates.  Some of the candidates, have been praised for their lack of experience.  Individuals such as Dr. Ben Carson, who rose to national stardom after his public condemnation of Obamacare during his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, Carly Fiorina who was the CEO of Hewlett-Packard and ran unsuccessfully against Sen. Barbara Boxer in 2010, and Senators Ted Cruz (Texas) and Rand Paul (Kentucky).

I pose the question, don’t these people embody what they fought against in 2008, a severe lack of experience and knowledge in key issues and policy making?  The only real difference between Sen. Obama and these individuals is that Obama is liberal his views, and these individuals are all conservative, even libertarian, in their views.

All of the potential candidates I listed above are good people I am sure.  But they are not what we need.  Remember, it was a president with a lack of experience that has gotten us into this mess.  Do you truly think that putting someone like Cruz or Carson into the presidency would be a wise decision with what they would be facing?  It seems that the last six years have made people upset with the workings of Washington, and have only seen the dark side of politicians.  But what they have forgotten is that people with experience have gotten great things done, people who have lived a life a public service and still follow the will of the people.  That seems to have been forgotten, and now we find ourselves pitted against one another in a battle over how politicians gotten us into this mess and how only a non-politician can get us out and no other.  That is a very dangerous view, and one that I oppose.

In such serious times as we are in, it is not good for conservatives to divide and bounce about, going for candidates who present a limited skill set in a world on the brink of chaos, and would need guidance in the matters of policy making and what is needed to be done.

As for Sen. Ted Cruz.  Cruz is a first term senator, who to his credit is a good conservative, a good speaker, but has done nothing in the way of legislation.  I know people like to play the card that they were under a Democrat majority with a Democrat president, but that is no excuse.  It has been proven before that you can pass good legislation if you work hard for it.  Rick Santorum proved that to be true as a Congressman, serving in DC while Bill Clinton occupied the White House, pushing through welfare reform that eventually passed both houses of Congress and was signed into law by Clinton.  So pulling that trick won’t work for Cruz and others.

I would much rather keep Sen. Cruz, Sen. Lee and Sen. Rubio in the senate.  Some of these freshman senators still need to prove themselves in matters of policy and passing good reforms and legislation.  We need someone with a record of accomplishments and success’ in working to pass laws, and not just rhetoric.

In closing I would like to bring up the topic with which I began.  I beg my fellow conservatives to not fall into hypocrisy.  Stay the course, politicians are good people too, we knew this at one point.  Let us clear our vision and move toward the shining city on the hill.

Scott Walker – A Name That Should Be On All Presidential Candidates VP Short Lists

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin is currently facing a tough challenger in his bid for re-election this November.  The most recent polls point to the two being tied for the position, but past experience says that Walker has an edge and could come out with a victory and retain his seat.  After all, he initially won his bid for governor back in 2010 in a blue state, and then won with even larger margins (53-46) when he faced a recall election in 2012 (though I have to say now that after speaking with a good friend, the recall election might not be a good indicator for whether or not he will win this November.  It was an effort to get people to vote Walker out on a “whim because of all of the horrible things he’s done for the middle class”.  Definitely food for thought that we should take into consideration).

All of this, along with his success in being popular in a state that has been typically lead by Democrats, and being successful in making Wisconsin a right to work state, gives him great recognition and power on the national level.  Whether he could make a successful bid for president in 2016 is currently questionable, though he does have some national support for such a campaign.  There is another position though, that all of the men and women preparing for a run for president in 2016, should have Walker’s name at the top of their list for.  And that is vice president.

It might not seem like a lot, but having someone like Walker on the ticket would make a candidate’s chances (especially a Romney or Romney-lite candidate) much better, as Walker is much more appealing to conservatives.  Also, he could help Republicans win over Wisconsin, a state that has been elusive to the party for many years, and gain some necessary electoral votes.

I hope that the candidate’s take Walker into serious consideration as the prepare to start up their bid for the highest office in the land next year.

Border Crisis & Indictment Sets Rick Perry Up For Good Presidential Bid

As Gov. Rick Perry of Texas prepares to defend himself in court due to the politically motivated indictment from the Travis County DA’s office, people are wondering if the governor is now down for the count as far as his intended 2016 presidential bid.  I contend that he is not.

Perry has been building himself up quite a lot since his failed run for president in 2012.  How he his handily dealt with the Mexican border crisis and the president, and now how he has chosen to take the indictment on in stride.  He is taking the case seriously, but his mugshot gives the impression of a man who sees right through his accusers and could care less.  Not to mention how he has handled with Texas’ economy and having major business’ move into the state, one by one over the years due to the better economic climate.

Democrats should be very scared of Rick Perry as we get closer to the presidential primary, because all attempts to stop him has only built onto his momentum.  They have pretty much aided him in making people forget his ‘oops’ gaffe during the 2012 primary debates.

I am not saying that he will win the primary, but he is going to have a good wave of momentum and support going into the primary season starting summer 2015.  Maybe I’m overstating it, and he will bomb.  But all the signs show that he is going to be a definite favorite come next year for the Republican presidential primary.

California’s Deficit Soars To $16 Billion

It has just come out that the deficit for California has skyrocketed up to a staggering $16 billion under Gov. Jerry Brown.  A much larger number than the governor had talked about last month, saying that it would probably go up to $9.2 billion.

Brown is saying that cuts alone wont solve this problem, even though cuts have been blocked by federal requirements.  And he is saying that what they must do to solve the states increasing deficit, is to raise taxes on wealthy and other.  He is making a plea to the people of the state to support his plan, since his plan weighs heavily on the shoulders of the voters approving higher taxes.

The governor is claiming that raising taxes would help pull the state out of its deep dive that started about a decade ago.  He is saying that if taxes are not increased, then public schools, colleges and public safety would suffer deep cuts.

What we are seeing in California is the direct results of failed liberal policies that are killing states that are ruled by them.  A perfect state to look to is Michigan where they have been suffering for years under liberals, but recently changed and elected conservatives that are now bringing their state back.

The same thing is happening to California.  It’s the same doom and gloom speech, if you don’t raise taxes and do what I say than you will suffer.  Under Browns tax plan, there would be a temporary raise of the states sales tax by a quarter cent, and increase the income tax on people who make $250,000 or more.  This plan sounds a good bit like what Pres. Obama and other democrats would like to do.

The few republican legislators that are in California, are trying to fight the tax hikes that the governor is proposing.  Trying to get it across that this plan would hurt the states recovery.

Most likely California voters will vote for the tax hikes since the governor is threatening that immediate cuts would be made if they didn’t vote for it.  But there could be the possibility that the voters will wake up by then.

So keep an eye on the state of California, as it is becoming the next Michigan and just like the wolverine state, this will be the plan for the rest of the country.

And just like Michigan, people and business’ have been leaving the state in reportedly large numbers.  Mostly going to more business friendly states like Texas.


Just to note, it is being predicted by some that California will go heavily for Pres. Obama.  Because some believe that if he wins re-election that he will give the state a bailout.