Why I Pick Rick Santorum; Again

During the 2012 primary, I did not decide firmly on a candidate until around September of 2011, but later that year the candidate whom I had chosen had dropped out with weeks to spare before the Iowa caucus. In my vetting and soul searching I came upon a name that I had previously looked over. Rick Santorum. I had first considered him as he was my former senator, but people said he didn’t have a shot and I believed them. But all those months later, something told me that I should support him, that he could pull it off. And I fought hard for him, on social media and by making calls to voters. Sadly some close losses made it impossible for Rick to capture the nomination from Romney and he dropped out. I still voted for Rick in the Pennsylvania primary, in which, even after dropping out, gave Romney a run for his money.

Now three years later, with a new crop of candidates jumping into the race with candidates I considered. I still chose to pick Rick. And just last week found myself as a volunteer for his announcement event just 30 minutes from my home. I saw him before the event with the other volunteers and the energy and joy he exuded was amazing, he was ready. He went on to give one his most passionate and best speeches I have ever heard him give.

I choose to endorse and support Rick Santorum again because I know him, and I know his record. He has a clear vision of what we need to do move this country ahead. So far he is the only one who has given a clear and detailed plan for immigration, both illegal and legal, and it is a solid plan. That would cut legal immigration by 25% for a period of time to let the country and economy adjust to the current population. Rick also has proposed scrapping the tax code and replacing it with a flat tax.

Rick provides solutions to an economy and a majority of Americans who are struggling, and has a plan to take out ISIS and the growing radical muslim movement that is spreading from the Middle East, to Europe and eventually across our porous southern border. And he would reclaim our place on the national stage as the preeminent world super power, starting on day one. He is also a strong supporter of our first amendment and religious rights, that all are entitled to, and would work to end the division that has been created over the years. America is the one place where anyone can speak their mind, and any church can thrive without fear of rebuke or persecution.

That is what is important to me, someone who is running, not for his sake, but for the sake of others living here now. And especially for future generations We need a leader serving us the people, not special interests, government politicians and lobbyists and big business tycoons. We need a leader who believes in what our founders envisioned and wants hold it together and make us stronger.

That leader is Rick Santorum, and that is why I have chosen to support him again, giving all of my time and money to the campaign. I plan on fighting hard for the America that I love.

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine To Pull Romney Endorsement, And Endorse Rick Santorum

Mitt Romney is going to suffer another set back today, as he is going to lose the endorsement of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine.  Mr. Romney has not had to deal with a problem like this before.

Mr. Romney’s bigger problem is that the endorsement will go to the current rising star in the Republican race for the primary.  Rick Santorum.

Mike DeWine is not just the attorney general of Ohio.  He also pushed his state to join the 25 others that filed a lawsuit against the federal government to blog the federal health care overhaul.

This is the biggest thing to happen to both campaigns since Santorums three state sweep last week.  An event that again hurts the Romney campaign, as they lose an endorsement in one of the states that are key to winning the presidential election.

Also, this is not the only endorsement that Rick Santorum has received.  He has gotten the endorsement of the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life organization.  This is the first time that they have ever endorsed a candidate for president.

This news certainly gives Santorum a good edge over Romney as we head in to the Arizona and Michigan primary, which is a little less than two weeks from now.

I Endorse Rick Santorum

I have been a Rick Santorum supporter for some time, so I’m still wondering why it has taken me so long to do this.  But here it is.

I am officially giving my endorsement to Rick Santorum for President of the United States of America.

Not that my endorsement means much in the bigger picture, but this is important to me.  It is important that I give my view and the truth on what we are dealing with.

I believe that it is paramount for all of us Tea Party members and Conservatives get behind the best candidate to go up against Pres. Barack Obama in the general election this November.  And I know that Rick Santorum is the best person for the job.

Santorum has proven himself to be a great conservative, and has done great things for our country, and he will continue to do so as the President of the United States.  He has strong convictions and a strong faith.

He is pro-life, he is pro 2nd Amendment and he is for increasing our domestic energy sources here in the United States.  It is important that we focus on what we have in our country, and work on growing and becoming self-dependent on our oil and other energy.  We also need to protect the rights that we have.  The rights that are currently being attacked by the current administration.

Rick Santorum is a great father and a great American.  And he is my choice for President of the United States of America.

Herman Cain Endorses Newt Gingrich For President

Just a couple of minutes ago through social media and a speech he made to Florida voters.  Herman Cain gave his official endorsement to the former speaker of the house, Newt Gingrich.

It comes as no surprise that he has endorsed Gingrich.  The two were close on the campaign trail, and seemed to be a likely pair for the coming presidential ticket.

Herman Cain had made it quite clear that Mitt Romney would not get his endorsement, and Ron Paul never appeared to be an option.  Which just leaved the former senator, Rick Santorum and the former congressman.  Out of the two I personally thought that he would go for Rick Santorum, being the more conservative of the two.  But in the end, he went with the obvious choice.

Now will this affect Net Gingrich going into Florida?  Most likely.  Cain did have quite a lot of support in the sunshine state up until his early exit from the race.

There is still the chance for Santorum to take Florida, with his poll numbers edging ahead of the other candidates in Missouri.  Romney is looking less likely to take anymore states with his lead floundering and support shattering among the rest of the candidates.

With Herman Cains endorsement out of the way, conservatives turn to another large leader in the movement, that will also affect this race.  Former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin.

Can Rick Santorum Keep Up The Momentum?

With his near win in Iowa, Rick Santorum is on the rise as he hits the campaign trail in the next primary state.  New Hampshire.

The granite is known for helping propel candidates into winning the nomination, especially if the candidate wins in Iowa.  And with Mitt Romney‘s advantage of having been campaigning in New Hampshire for the past four years, it will be that much harder for the other candidates, including Rick.

Rick Santorum is going to be running the same ground campaign in New Hampshire that he ran in Iowa.  Which showed to be very successful for him.  His traditional campaign has been working well so far…shaking hands helps to win votes.

One thing about New Hampshire, is that they don’t pay attention to what happens in Iowa.  So candidates have to work that much harder to prove themselves.

With the loss of Michele Bachmann, her supporters are most likely to back Santorum.  Which will greatly help him in the states after the Granite State.

Rick Santorum will be able to keep some of his momentum, but he has to keep high in the polls, and try to edge Romney out.  What will help him going on, is that Newt Gingrich is angry after the results in Iowa.  And hat is worse for Romney is that Gingrich’s anger has a laser-like focus.

Something else that will continue to help Santorum is that Gingrich is defending and congratulating him on running on a positive campaign, while others did not (Romney and Paul).  So Rick has found a friend in Newt, who worked with him in the past when Rick was a freshman in Congress.

So we have Michele’s departure that will help Rick Santorum going ahead in the primary’s.  And Newt Gingrich’s encouragement.

The next thing that would greatly help Rick Santorum, are the endorsements that still are being waited on.  From people like Sarah Palin, Herman Cain and now Michele Bachmann.  Some people are even waiting for Donald Trumps endorsement, if it ever comes.

So in the weeks to come, I think that Rick Santorum will stay on the map.  He doesn’t have anywhere to go as Newt Gingrich continues to lose support.

I think we have a very interesting primary still ahead.

Herman Cain – “We’re Still Going To Get The Job Done.”

For a lot of Herman Cain supporters, it has become very clear that Mr. Cain will not be jumping back into the race.  He has chosen to put his family first and shield them from the hurtful dagger of the mainstream media.

But he has promised, in recent articles, that he will still push for his 9-9-9 Plan, and his other stances, such as foreign policy and energy independence.  He has most certainly not given up fighting.  Planning the launch of a new site called The Cain Solutions.  Were he will keep up the good fight for the American people.

Herman Cain is right when he says that his campaign took off with 9-9-9, even though a lot of media pundits still deny it.

His new site will be dedicated on three of the main issues that he ran on, which are-

  • Economic Growth
  • Sound Money
  • Energy Independence

In his last article, he talks about what his new mission will focus on and how he has not given up the fight.  Saying that something he has learned from this process is, “When the people understand it, they demand it!”  To read the full article, go to Herman Cain’s website.

We have yet to hear who Herman Cain will endorse.  Most think that it will be Newt Gingrich, but there still is the possibility that he could choose another candidate.  He could be waiting for the primary, since it could have the chance of making a much larger ripple if he waits until a few days before the Iowa Caucus.

He has made it clear by his statement in the article that, “We’re still going to get the job done.”  That Washington cannot turn it’s back on Mr. Cain just because he dropped out.  I have a strong suspicion that Herman Cain will remain a strong voice for the American people.

Rick Santorum To Get Endorsement Of Iowa Secretary Of State

This is something that I just heard tonight, and it is quickly catching on to other news sites.

It is being said by many people, that Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum is going to pick one of the most endorsements in Iowa, and that is from their Secretary of State, Matt Schultz.

Nobody has confirmed it, but it said that the endorsement is going to happen tomorrow.  And Mr. Santorum said tonight on an independent radio show that there is a big endorsement coming tomorrow.

For those who do not know, Rick Santorum has been spending a lot of time in Iowa, making it a point to go to every county in the state.  He has probably been in Iowa more than any other candidate.

Like I said in a past post, Rick is becoming the surprise candidate of 2012.  He is coming from behind and he is going to take America by storm.  This endorsement could be a big game changer for the Santorum campaign.