Herman Cain – “We’re Still Going To Get The Job Done.”

For a lot of Herman Cain supporters, it has become very clear that Mr. Cain will not be jumping back into the race.  He has chosen to put his family first and shield them from the hurtful dagger of the mainstream media.

But he has promised, in recent articles, that he will still push for his 9-9-9 Plan, and his other stances, such as foreign policy and energy independence.  He has most certainly not given up fighting.  Planning the launch of a new site called The Cain Solutions.  Were he will keep up the good fight for the American people.

Herman Cain is right when he says that his campaign took off with 9-9-9, even though a lot of media pundits still deny it.

His new site will be dedicated on three of the main issues that he ran on, which are-

  • Economic Growth
  • Sound Money
  • Energy Independence

In his last article, he talks about what his new mission will focus on and how he has not given up the fight.  Saying that something he has learned from this process is, “When the people understand it, they demand it!”  To read the full article, go to Herman Cain’s website.

We have yet to hear who Herman Cain will endorse.  Most think that it will be Newt Gingrich, but there still is the possibility that he could choose another candidate.  He could be waiting for the primary, since it could have the chance of making a much larger ripple if he waits until a few days before the Iowa Caucus.

He has made it clear by his statement in the article that, “We’re still going to get the job done.”  That Washington cannot turn it’s back on Mr. Cain just because he dropped out.  I have a strong suspicion that Herman Cain will remain a strong voice for the American people.